Sunday, May 1, 2011

Color Study


1. Yellow Sign
2. 4/27/11- 3:16 PM
3. University Ave.
4. f/8
5. 1/320 sec.- Canon PowerShot SX30 IS
6. The clouds were so crazy cool on this day! I loved the contrast between the yellow sign and the blue sky. This was my example of small aperture because everything is in focus in both the background and the foreground. I increased the brightness and saturation on this picture as well. I would like to learn how to make just a section of the picture brighter so I could make the sign brighter but keep the sky the same color and brightness that it is now.

1. Daffodils
2. 4/27/11- 3:28 PM
3. The Ridge Health Center
4. f/4.0
5. 1/250 sec- Canon PowerShot SX30 IS
6. I love how brightly yellow all the daffodils are around Rexburg. It gives me hope that spring might actually kinda be here! This is the example of my large aperture because the single flower is in focus while the background is more blurry. I increased the contrast and vibrance on this photo, the brightness was already bright enough naturally.

1. Yellow Tractor
2. 5/1/11-4:58 PM
3.Construction Site near the Temple
5. 1/640 sec.- Canon PowerShot SX30 IS
6. I really like the blue and yellow together in this shot. I also think this a cool angle of this tractor. I took several, and thought this was the coolest. I also like how there is the one lonely tree out in the background. I increased brightness, contrast, saturation, and vibrance in this photo. I was in auto mode when I shot this picture as well.

1. Yellow Curb
2. 5/1/11- 5:06 PM
3. Across from Hinckley Building
4. f/2.7
5. 1/1000 sec.- Canon PowerShot SX30 IS
6. I really like the way this shot turned out. I took a series of angles of this curb as well, and this was my favorite shot. I used a small number for my aperture setting for a shallow depth of field. I really like where the focus is, and how it blurred the background so well. I increased contrast, brightness, saturation and vibrance in my editing.

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