Monday, May 30, 2011

Bannack Portraits

1. Saloon Love
2. 5/25/11- 4:00 PM
3. Bannack Ghost Town- Saloon
4. f/4.0
5. 1/30 sec.- Canon PowerShot SX30 IS
6. For this shot, I used a tripod and timer so that I could capture both of us. The lighting was perfect in the saloon. For the editing I airbrushed both of our faces and also "added soul" to our eyes using the tutorial shown in class. I also added brightness, saturation and color balance.


Original Olin Portriat:

1. Olin Portrait
2. 5/25/11- 2:24 PM
3. Bannack Ghost Town
4. f//4.0
5. 1/1250 sec.- Canon PowerShot SX30 IS
6. For this shot, I used my manual settings to help me out with the lighting because it started to get a little bit over gloomy. I really liked the color of the door and thought it made a nice background. In my editing, I airbrushed his skin, and whitened his teeth a little bit. I also increased the saturation, hue, brightness, and contrast of the photo overall.

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